Vecteezy’s contributor program makes it possible for creatives to earn passive income with their vectors, stock photos, and stock videos. One of the most effective ways for contributors to get more downloads and make more money is to create resources focused on specific holidays and seasons. Many visitors arrive at Vecteezy looking for resources that they can use for designs related to holidays.

We’ve put together this guide to help contributors who are interested in getting more exposure for their resources and ultimately making more money. Take action on these tips and you should see your views and downloads increase significantly thanks to your seasonal/holiday resources.

1. Plan Ahead

Timing is an important factor when you’re creating resources with certain holidays or seasons in mind. If the holiday is just around the corner, you’ve probably missed the best opportunity.

Many Vecteezy customers are searching for holiday or seasonal resources well in advance. If they’re creating a design for a holiday event, they might be working on it several weeks or even a few months before the holiday. You’ll want to be sure that your resources are uploaded to Vecteezy well before the holiday so visitors will be able to find them when they’re searching.

In general, we recommend working about 90 days ahead. We’ve created a contributor calendar that lists significant holidays, events, and seasons that can be a focal point of your work for each month of the year. At any point throughout the year, you could turn to this calendar to get ideas for the resources that you should be creating.

2. Spread It Out

While holidays present excellent opportunities for contributors, you’ll need to consider the fact that most of the downloads for these resources will come in the weeks and months leading up to the day or season. That means if your portfolio is filled with resources for a single holiday, your income will be heavily weighted towards that one time of the year.

If you’d like to maintain more consistent earnings throughout the year, you can create resources for different holidays and seasons that are spaced out. By having resources in your portfolio for holidays and seasons throughout the year, it’s possible to always have something that is in peak demand from our users.

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Mother's Day

Mother’s Day Photo by chokniti

3. Create For Holidays That Need More Content

There are some holidays and events that aren’t very well represented by the resources currently available at Vecteezy. Of course, there are a lot of resources for major holidays, but a simple way to get more exposure for your resources is to focus on some holidays and events that allow you to easily rank your content on the first page of Vecteezy’s search results.

Take a look at the holidays and events listed on the Vecteezy contributor calendar and check the search results to find those that aren’t as well represented. You may be able to get traction faster by focusing on these types of holidays and events rather than focusing only on the major holidays.

4. Think Globally

There are many different holidays around the world, including those celebrated by people of various religions. Vecteezy attracts visitors from around the world and from all different cultures, so be sure to think about the possibilities globally. If you’re creating only for major U.S. holidays, you’re probably missing out on some great opportunities like Diwali, Chinese New Year, and Rosh Hashanah. Our contributor calendar lists holidays celebrated in several different countries as well as many religious holidays.

Happy Diwali

Diwali vector by misfit blue

5. Use the Right Title and Keywords

Every resource that you submit to Vecteezy will need a unique title and several keywords. The title and keywords are major factors used by our search engine, so they can have a huge impact on the visibility that your resources receive. By following keywording best practices, you’ll be able to get more exposure for your resources.

Don’t rush through the process of adding titles and keywords if you want to maximize the money that you make through our contributor program. Think about the words and phrases that visitors might use if they’re searching for the resource that you’ve created. Of course, you’ll want to be sure to include the name of the holiday or season and also the specific elements included (like “heart” or “cupid” for a Valentine’s Day vector).

You can also include words or phrases commonly associated with the holiday, words that describe the style or colors of the resource, and potential uses for the resource. If you’re having trouble, look at the keywords being used by other similar resources already on Vecteezy.

6. Create Collections

One way to help visitors find your holiday-themed resources is to create collections from your Vecteezy profile. Visitors who are looking at your profile page will be able to see your public collections, so this can be an effective way to categorize or organize your resources.

You can create a collection for each holiday, event, or season so visitors can find all of your similar content in one place. If a visitor comes to your profile and sees that you have a collection of Thanksgiving resources, that visitor may click through and download multiple resources.

Collections can also be very effective for promoting your own resources and getting more downloads. For example, if you have a number of spring vectors, photos, or videos in a collection, you could share the link to that collection through your social profiles or on your own blog at the end of winter or the start of spring.

Easter Photo - Seasonal Stock Photo

Easter Photo by romrodinka

7. Keep Adding More

The more resources you have in your Vecteezy profile, the more chances you’ll have to make money. Many of our leading contributors have hundreds or thousands of resources in their portfolio.

By focusing on holidays, events, and seasons, you’ll have endless possibilities. There are so many holidays and events throughout the year and lots of possibilities for each one. You’ll never run out of resources to create. Set calendar reminders so you have every chance to get your content uploaded in time for users to discover and download it.


One of our top recommendations for contributors who want to maximize their earnings through our contributor program is to create holiday-themed resources. If you’re interested in pursuing this opportunity, the tips covered in this article will put you on the right path. And if you don’t have a contributor account yet, you can sign up here.

Lead image by yoosillyone.