Today we are thrilled to announce a new visual identity and vision for Eezy, the parent brand behind Vecteezy!
We’ve reimagined the brand with an updated logo, new colors palette, and a renewed approach to what the future looks like for Eezy.
Logo, Colors, and Imagery
We crafted a new logo that reflects our strategy and visual direction. The lines symbolize the creative journey and Eezy’s guidance in that experience.
Our primary colors are purple, navy, and white. The bright secondary colors add bursts of excitement and eye-catching details.
Eezy’s imagery is wild, fun, and imaginative. We play with reality by introducing doodles, shapes, and paths that amplify our new approach to design.
Purpose, Products, and Strategy
Eezy’s purpose is to inspire and simplify the creative process, giving you the tools you need to bring a creative vision to life. Our new branding is a step towards guiding millions of people along their creative journeys.
The updated visual identity for Eezy comes with a new strategic direction. We want to champion creativity in every person by creating user friendly tools that simplify the design process.
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If you’ve ever been in charge of producing a creative project, you know how daunting it can be to get started when you’re staring at a blank canvas.
Eezy solves this problem by offering 3 different options for every designer at any skill level. We have a marketplace where designers can download individual graphics that they can then edit and use in their project. We have a DIY editor tool, where you can start with an existing template and customize your designs. And we have a studio where you can get our team of creative professionals to design something custom for you from scratch.
We make it easier to do this than anyone in the industry at the most affordable price. We simplify the creative process for everyone.
Learn more
Our team is thrilled to share the new Eezy with you, and we hope you’ll learn more by visiting us! Discover open job opportunities, read more of our story, and explore our products today.