Did you know you can upload your vector illustrations, photographs, and videos to Vecteezy and earn passive income from your work? As a contributor, you’ll earn money when your content is downloaded by users. This can be a great way to generate income from your work. As you build up a larger library of stock content that’s available, your earning potential will increase.

While there are a lot of different stock photo websites and marketplaces that you can contribute to, Vecteezy offers some significant advantages for talented creatives like yourself. We’re always looking to add skilled contributors to grow the Vecteezy community, so if you’re interested in earning passive income from your work, here are a few reasons why you should become a Vecteezy contributor.

1. We’re Growing Rapidly

Vecteezy launched over 10 years ago, and we’ve since earned a reputation for providing high-quality vectors. We serve millions of website visitors every month, and we’re currently in a period of substantial growth.

In 2020, we expanded by offering stock photos and stock videos in addition to vectors. This has allowed us to provide our customers with even more value and has drastically opened up the possibilities for contributors.


Photo by demaerre

The income opportunities for our contributors are growing as well. We’re thrilled to add new content on a daily basis thanks to our amazing community, and more importantly, our users are excited about it too.

With our audience continuing to expand, now is the time to join us by becoming a contributor.

2. We Don’t Require Exclusivity

If you’re already contributing resources to other stock photo sites or marketplaces, becoming a contributor to Vecteezy doesn’t need to change that. Instead, we want to add income to what you’re already earning. We don’t require exclusivity, so you can upload the same resources to Vecteezy that you’ve already uploaded to other sites and marketplaces.

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Unlimited access. No attribution required. Starts at just $9/month.

Vecteezy Pro

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Repurposing your existing resources by contributing to Vecteezy makes a lot of sense. You’ll be able to earn more with the resources you already have.

3. Fewer Contributors

A common problem for contributors at stock marketplaces is that content gets buried beneath the work of thousands of contributors who are more established on the platform.

Making money at other stock photo sites is difficult because there are many contributors who have been building their profiles for years, it’s difficult to even get exposure for your resources.

Although Vecteezy attracts millions of visitors per month, we currently have fewer contributors than most of the other leading sites in the industry. This is especially true with photos and videos since those categories were just recently added. Now is your chance to join a growing marketplace and start growing your own profile without getting buried by more established contributors.

The combination of a large existing audience, rapid growth, and fewer contributors means that Vecteezy is uniquely positioned to provide new contributors with an amazing opportunity.

4. Get Paid for Free Downloads

One of the most significant ways that Vecteezy is unique is the fact that we pay contributors when their resources are downloaded for free. Some of the resources on our site are available for free download, and others require a Pro subscription.

When you create your contributor account, you’ll have the option to sign up as a Free contributor or as a Pro contributor. Pro contributors are compensated based on the Subscriber Share model mentioned in the next point. Free contributors are also compensated, but they are paid $5 per 1,000 downloads. With millions of visitors downloading files from our site every month, this can add up to serious income!

There are a number of websites that allow you to upload vectors, photos, and videos that others can download and use for free, but very few of them will offer any sort of compensation for your work. When we launched free photos in August of 2020, many contributors signed up and added the same photos that they’re already sharing at other free photo sites. The difference is, they get paid when someone downloads the photo from Vecteezy.

5. Subscriber Share Model

Our Pro contributors are paid based on the Subscriber Share model, which we believe is the fairest and accurate way to compensate contributors. This means that a customer’s subscription revenue goes directly to the contributors who created the resources that they use.

If you’ve been disappointed by shrinking commissions at other stock photo sites or marketplaces, we think you’ll appreciate the earning potential that you’ll have with our Subscriber Share model. To see more details about the way that Pro earnings are calculated, please see this page.

If you’re interested in turning your illustrations, photos, or videos into income, get started by creating your contributor account today. Vecteezy is growing fast, and we’re excited to support our community of talented contributors.

Lead image by breeze393